I can't believe I just titled this for sixteen weeks! It blows my mind that we're well into our second trimester now with baby GIRL.
Wait, what?
This go-round, we didn't find out about this little nugget until five weeks into pregnancy. We were enjoying a beach trip with Zach's family mid-May when I noticed feeling "off" a few different times. We had prayed about trying two weeks prior, little did when know we were well into pregnancy at that point. FYI Pull and pray method equals pregnant. We can talk about this later, *facepalm*.
Once home from our trip, Zach and I were conducting a normal grocery trip when I decided to snag a pregnancy test. We stopped to grab dinner afterward and I decided that was the best time to take the test. Laughing out loud at myself as I type this. I walked out of that bathroom like I'd seen a ghost and mouthed to Zach that it was positive and we need to leave because we obviously could no longer eat there, not after this life-changing revelation.
You can find me by the toilet...
So, we've been rocking and rolling since that day. The following three weeks were a whirlwind of sharing our news, first appointments and the onslaught of symptoms. Immediately, I noticed nausea and sickness being significantly more than I experienced when pregnant with Hosea. There was a point where I'd forgotten what it felt like not to be sick. Other symptoms included exhaustion and major cravings. Considering Zach and I are decently healthy eaters, a Milos #1 combo with extra sauce and a single chicken tender was an abnormal addition to my diet.
Gender Shock
Two weeks ago Zach and I had an appointment to check on our little nugget. It was pretty standard, tummy measurements and heartbeat detection. Just as I thought the appointment was wrapping up, my doctor asks us if we'd like to check and see what the gender is. I don't know what was more exciting, the fact that we learned we're having a girl or that it was a total surprise that we had the opportunity to learn so early!
Baby Kicks
Oh my gosh. This is my favorite part of this whole thing! Last Friday, I was watching tv when I felt that first little nudge. I put my hand over that area and felt, actually felt, baby girl move. (My mind was blown! It wasn't until 19 weeks that I felt Zay move for the first time). Since then, it's been consistent. She's a tiny dancer in there or something. This is the sweetest experience and I'm so excited we're already at this point!
Honeymoon Phase
I'm loving this pregnancy life right now. My belly is hard and poking out. I'd say I look the same now as I did with Hosea at 16 weeks. I love having a tummy to love on again, but I'm also nervous. Sister friend, we're not even half-way through this shebang.
I thought I was powering through and past the morning sickness blues, but this week I've been dealing with nausea when driving. This isn't normal for me, so I wanted to note it. Also, I'm measuring about two pounds heavier at this point than I did with Hosea. I wish I could blame it on the bump, but I'm pretty sure it's just my lack of self-control when it comes to cravings.
Give Me Jesus
Every January and August, our church enters into a season of 21 Days of Prayer. This has become a critical aspect of our lives. Zach and I started dating right after 21 Days, we got engaged right after 21 Days and we got pregnant with Zay during 21 Days. I think it just postures your heart for God to move in huge ways! We're believing in a lot of prayers and longings to be fulfilled this season, but what I really want is Jesus. Being a mom makes you distracted by all the things others want and need from you. By the end of the day, I sometimes can't even remember if I truly took the time to meet with Jesus. Being a wife, mom, student, and employee challenge me to take care of myself so I can give each of these areas my best. When I'm not healthy spiritually, I'm going to fall behind. I wasn't designed to be able to meet the demands of this life all on my resources. You can check out my tips and tricks for maintaining quiet time as a momma here.
Products this Momma Needs
1. A bath. Every night. I need two minutes of quiet. I need a face mask. I need some yummy-smelling soap. Right now, I'm hooked on Rose body wash from Bath and Body Works and I love the Cup O'Coffee face mask by Lush.
2. Something sweet and cold, but Lord Jesus please help me stay away from unnecessary sugar and carbs. I'm loving frozen grapes, (when I'm being good), and lemon Italian ice (when I'm feeling indulgent).
3. Awesome prenatal vitamins that don't egg-on the morning sickness. These by Rainbow Light are my favorite. I used them through the first pregnancy, my breastfeeding journey with Zay and now we just keep right along with baby girl. You can get these from Amazon or Target! Walmart carries them as well, but they don't have the DHA + Prenatal combo pack.
Baby Prayers
Each week, I research what's happening in my belly and cater my prayers according to current developments. First and foremost, we're still aware that we could go in for our anatomy scan in a few weeks and the technician says "Oops, yeah, there's boy stuff in there. It's a boy!". So, we're still trying to prepare our hearts should the gender surprise us by changing. We're also praying for continued, strengthened movement. I can't wait for Zach to feel her for the first time. We're also praying for this little nugget to have eyes that are developing so they can start to sense light. Sweet girl can also start to detect noise, so I'm loving talking to her out loud in hopes she'll start to recognize my voice.