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Pregnancy Diary: Weeks 17 and 18

Writer's picture: Lydia RyalsLydia Ryals

Updated: Aug 30, 2019

What a wild ride the last two weeks have been...

Zach and I decided to take a leap of faith and put in an offer to build a house in my childhood hometown, which is located about thirty minutes from where we currently live.


The Bliss

As I type this, I'm having a hard time even recalling week 17 because it seriously feels like it was a month ago. Between preparing our home to go on the market and working with a realtor to begin the building process, it seems like the whole world is moving much faster than we can keep up with.

As I was getting ready for bed, I caught a glimpse of my belly in the mirror. I couldn't believe the growth from the last time I'd really noticed. I looked back at Zach and said: "did you remember I'm pregnant because I sure didn't!"

All the big brother belly kisses

All of this to say, this pregnancy is so much different than my first. Take the house chaos out of the picture, Hosea has me getting in like a trillion steps a day.

I chalk this all up to bliss. Do I want my pregnancy to fly by and find myself in a delivery room wondering how I eve got there? Of course not. I wanna soak up this baby girl and all her pregnancy glory. However, I don't know about other mommas, but I struggled with pregnancy comparison and the "worst-case scenario" mentality my entire pregnancy with Zay. I googled things that were honestly no big deal and freaked myself out on a weekly basis.

The fast pace of life and the businesses of our ten-month-old has helped me focus on the beauty of pregnancy and discard scary thoughts. I don't have time to panic, which is saying something because fear is a real thing!


The Bliss

This is the week I have been waiting for! We finally had our anatomy scan. Baby GIRL, (that's right, we had them look from every angle. Nothin's dangling in this womb, y'all!), looks healthy and beautiful. It was the sweetest moment. The three of us watched her wiggle and perform gymnastics on that big screen. This momma's heart could not have been more full!!

I'm really poking out now. I make sure to rub my stomach now and then so people know that there's a baby in there. I don't usually so endearing love on my fat when I'm not pregnant, ha! No room for confusion around this momma.

Zach felt her move for the first time and we both looked at each other like it was Christmas morning. We have to treasure the little moments we have together these days. Those tiny bumps made that particular moment even sweeter.

The Blues

Weight Gain and Body Changes

The actual moment of pure joy when I got to put on maternity jeans for the first time

Pregnancy does a lot to your body. That's no secret, especially to a woman that just walked through this a year ago. However, no one wants to not be able to fit in their clothes! I tried on four outfits this morning and NOTHING looked good. It does wonders for your self-esteem. HA!

I've officially gone to the rubber-band trick and even pulled out my old maternity wardrobe from pregnancy #1.

I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I was pretty stoked to wear maternity jeans, though! They are the only redeeming quality to gaining 1+ pounds a week.

Speaking of which, I've laid off weighing every day. It's too mentally exhausting. We're committing to eating healthy and being active and whatever happens from there is meant to be for the sake of the baby girl. I will update you: at my appointment, I was 128.6 pounds and 18 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I vividly remember my weight with Hosea at 18 weeks 0 days, so strange! I was 128.2 pounds, so it looks like we're on track.

I haven't used my stationary bike as I did with Hosea. There hasn't been time. That was a huge key to maintaining my body-image sanity, so I know I need to start carving out workout sessions so I can feel like I'm doing something to take care of myself.

Aches and Pains

On Tuesday last week, I woke up with some intense cramping, which nearly scared me to death. It didn't last long at all and I wondered if maybe it was something I ate. I was discouraged, however, when the random bouts of cramps continued throughout the week. After talking to a doctor and checking on baby, we decided that a mixture of second baby growth, moving/physical exertion and lack of hydration probably plays a key role.

I felt like the hydration point hit home when my fluid levels were, granted healthy, but lower than I remember them being with Hosea. So, back to the water-grind, I go! I'll share more about taking care of yourself during pregnancy once I start following my advice. Someone hold me accountable! YIKES! Between the cramping and my sciatic nerve acting bonkers, I've gotta start focusing on my health more.

Being Responsible *sigh*

Lastly, Zach put a halt on baby girl spending. Probably for the best, because shopping for a girl meant shopping for me. I plan to be as "extra" as possible and be the matchiest duo around. Soon, I'll share all I've found so far.

Baby Prayers

Look at our little nugget! She is already so precious! This week, I've been focusing on praying for her character and mannerisms.

Knee to nose. Talent.

Do you know what's not cool to me? People projecting what your baby is going to act like. For example: "Oh, your first baby sleeps through the night? Get ready. Your second will be a terrible sleeper."

Now, I'm not saying she'll be just like Hosea. He is an awesome baby. But, I am saying that we are equipped to be their parents and we will have grace for whatever they need when they need it.

In the meantime, we're praying she's whole in body, soul, spirit, and mind. We're believing she will have a gentle and kind spirit. We're praying she'll always see the beauty in the world. We're believing against colic, sickness and backward sleeping patterns. I'm believing our journey nursing will be precious and as smooth as possible.

I'm not entertaining negativity over this baby that hasn't even come into this world yet.

I guess protecting your children starts from the moment they're conceived.

We sure are excited about this season! Figured we'd just take on all the life-change possible and call ourselves crazy.

Week 18 Bippity Bump

All my baby-momma love, Lyd

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